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Longcause Community Special School

Longcause Community Special School

Learning for Life

Personal Development

We offer clubs at lunchtime to enrich our pupils' personal development.

See our current offer below


Our Personal Development Programme consists of both the curriculum and wider opportunities that extend beyond the academic, technical or vocational. Our Personal Development Programme provides for our pupils' broader development by encouraging them to discover their interests, develop their character and helps them know how to keep mentally and physically fit. 

Supporting pupils' Personal Development through the curriculum...


  • RE curriculum- 

Pupils develop their understanding of different faiths and cultures, and the extent to which they respect diversity. 

  • Longcause Learning For Life (LLfL) curriculum for RSHE- 

RSHE lessons cover the statutory framework for Relationship Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.  

  • Longcause Learning For Life (LLfL) curriculum for Life Skills- 

Pupils are taught the skills needed for independent living and First Aid.

  • Positive Relationships curriculum-

Pupils increase their awareness of themselves and others, and how to manage relationships with others, including understanding and accepting diversity. This also includes key work around emotions, self regulation, growth mindset, healthy minds. 

  • Online Safety curriculum- 

Pupils are taught to keep themselves and manage online relationships through online safety lessons, this follows the statutory Relationships Education framework

  • Additional areas within the Curriculum- 

- Pupils are encouraged to develop their Character through other areas of the curriculum- Design Technology, Catering, History, PE. 

- Catering and PE curriculums- Pupils are taught how diet and exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle 

- Economic understanding- Maths and Functional skills

- Learning Pathways to meet the needs of individuals, pupils can move between these


Going beyond the curriculum and developing pupils' character…



  • School Council- pupils are given the opportunity to share their ideas, feed back to classes and vote on ideas/ actions.
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award- street dancing, gardening, expeditions, pupil fundraising
  • Social Club
  • Lunchtime clubs
  • Community participation- local walks, shop visits, litter picking 
  • Josta’s
  • Bake off competitions
  • Bikeability
  • Swimming lessons
  • STEM week
  • Arts week
  • Raising money for charity: Red Nosed Day, Children in Need, Sports Relief, Duke of Edinburgh fundraising group
  • Court in Action
  • External visits into school- Animals,
  • Assemblies
  • World Book Day
  • Mental Health Week
  • Safer Internet day
  • Visits from local faith communities- ‘Open the Book’
  • Daily storytime
  • Aspirational whole school events, including:

- Longcause has got talent 

- Celebrations within the local Church - Harvest, Easter, Christmas 

- Christmas show/ Nativity

- Sports Day

- Curriculum trips carefully planned by subject leaders to enhance pupils learning 

- Families are invited into school to share celebrations- Harvest, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s/ Father’s Day (all families welcome), Stay and Play sessions, Sports Day. 

- External music providers- African Drumming 

  • Carefully planned trips to enhance cultural capital-

- Trips outside of Plymouth: London, Bristol, Theatre trips

- Residential trips- 2 nights away at a time

- Theatre trips

- Non routine sports events- sailing, sports tournaments

- Class trips to further support pupils’ character development 

- Whole School trips to further support pupils character development




Personal Development Programme at Longcause

Exeter Theatre Trip: Sherlock Holmes

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Longcause Sports Day

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Preparing for Future Success…


  • Enhanced transitions to new classes 
  • Learning pathways to meet the needs of individuals, pupils can move between these
  • Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

- Visitors from different sectors visit school, across years  - Babock, Dentist nurses, Travel Training, Mental Health Worker 

- Career visits/Experience of the work place visit  where pupils learn about the world of work, different roles and opportunities 

- Career fair opportunities 

- Work experience opportunities - Aquarium, Coach Station, EE

- Placement at City College 


British Values At Our Core…


  • Democracy- School values, community participation, visits to local fire stations or with other emergency services, Court in Action, assemblies, LLfL- RSHE and Life Skills lessons, Duke of Edinburgh- Environmental Care and fundraising groups for the benefit of the local community, pupil voting- Children in Need, School Council, pupil and parent surveys.


  • The Rule of the Law- Court in Action,  LLfL RSHE curriculum, Online Safety curriculum, Positive Relationship curriculum- learn to distinguish right from wrong, assemblies .


  • Individual Liberty- Participating in whole school events/ sporting events/ Church events/ school shows, included in suitable parts of the curriculum, assemblies, whole school values- Respect, Determination, Friendship, pupil and parent surveys, school clubs- Social Club and lunch time clubs. 


  • Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith- Court in Action, Remembrance Day, participation in services in the local Church- Harvest, Christmas, Easter, assemblies, Mental Health Week/ Anti-bullying week, Daily worship, included in suitable parts of the curriculum- LLfL, Positive Relationships, Online Safety, RE, MFL.




We aim to give all of our pupils the entitlement to participate in a residential trip each year from Key Stage 3 and upwards. 

Heatree Residential

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Residentials 2024-25


Following the continued success of our residential visits to Heatree House, we have booked the following dates for 2024-25:


  • Wednesday 29th January - Friday 31st January 2025
  • Wednesday 12th February - Friday 14th February 2025


Residentials will again be offered to all pupils in secondary classes.

Gran Canaria Trip

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Our recent Gran Canaria trip was a remarkable adventure for our pupils, many of whom traveled to a foreign country for the first time. In partnership with Eat That Frog and The Turing Scheme, the trip offered a variety of cultural, educational, and recreational activities, and our pupils embraced every opportunity with enthusiasm and curiosity.

During their stay, the pupils attended a Spanish school, visited a local theme park, and enjoyed a unique cheese-making experience at a traditional farm as well as many more pursuits, as can be seen in the video. These activities broadened their horizons and enriched their understanding of different cultures.

We are incredibly proud of our pupils' openness to new experiences and their willingness to push personal boundaries, exemplifying the values we strive to instill at Longcause.