School Council
School Council has representatives from classes across our Adventurers, Pioneers and Year 11 pathways. Each term there is a School Council Assembly. This gives the whole school the opportunity to discuss and raise issues with their school council representative. Following this assembly and gathering of ideas, the school council then meet with Amanda Hulme (Lead for RSHE). During the meeting, the school council members will choose which issues they would like to investigate and action in the coming term. Feedback on the issues raised is given in assemblies during the 'school council feedback' section. Minutes from previous meetings can be found at the bottom of the page.
Natasha Mitchell is our Governor for School Council.
Children in Need
We take an active role in organising activities for national fundraising events such as BBC Children in Need, Comic Relief and Sport Relief.
In the video above, you can see one of our teachers getting gunged as a part of our fun, fundraising assembly which also included the Joe Wicks 'Bearpee' challenge!