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Longcause Community Special School

Longcause Community Special School

Learning for Life

Longcause Learning For Life (LLFL)

Welcome to the Learning for Life curriciulum webpage


Subject leader: Amanda Hulme

Contact email:


Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education 


The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex education and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019, make Relationships Education compulsory for all pupils receiving primary and secondary education, and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) compulsory for all pupils receiving secondary education. Health Education is also compulsory in all schools. As a result of this, our own unique LLfL curriculum has been adapted to fully cover the statutory requirements. Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is taught as part of the whole school ‘LLfL’ programme. 


Please refer to our Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education Policy for further information and the parent guides found at the bottom of the page. 


Longcause Learning for Life (LLfL) Curriculum Intent Statement



What will our pupils experience throughout their LLfL curriculum at Longcause and why do we want this?

  • Pupils will learn how to keep themselves safe by understanding social norms and expectations in society and that the law applies to keeping everyone safe.
  • Pupils will learn about their own personal safety and consent, including sexual harassment, knowing their support networks and how to get support. 
  • Pupils will learn how to keep themselves safe in the environment, including managing risks.
  • Pupils will learn the role that family has in their lives and the characteristics of healthy family life, including identifying behaviours that would be unsafe in family relationships.
  • Pupils will learn about diversity and the importance of respect for other people who may be different from themselves.
  • Pupils will learn about the physical and emotional changes that happen to their bodies as they get older, including puberty, why this happens and how to manage it (please refer to our RSE policy for further information). 
  • Pupils will learn about the importance of physical health and ways to manage their physical health.
  • Pupils will learn how to manage specific home based life skills so that they can do these themselves in the future to help provide routine and structure.
  • To be given the skills to be able to access a club/ special interest in the future.



LLfL is taught through a rolling programme of 6 termly topics, where skills from one topic are built upon to enable further rehearsal. Please see the RSHE and Life Skills coverage maps for further information. Pupils within the Adventurers, Pioneers, Explorers Secondary and Year 11 pathway will have one lesson per week for RSHE and Life Skills. Pupils within the Explorers primary pathway  will have one lesson per week for RSHE and Life Skills at the point in which pupils are ready.


Online safety is to be taught through computing (please refer to the Computing intent statement). Additional coverage from the statutory guidance Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE) will be delivered through Positive Relationships and PE. 



What is our expected impact? 

  • Through our curriculum we intend for pupils to have the understanding of how to be safe both within the home and also their community. 
  • To be able to provide them with the skills needed to live as independently as possible.  
  • Pupils will know things that they can do to help to keep their bodies healthy, recognise when their body is not well and get support.


For any further information please contact our LLfL subject lead Amanda Hulme at

Yearly rolling programme- RSHE and Life Skills Coverage maps

Life Skills and RSHE in pictures

Stories to support the teaching of LLfL

Please find below family support guides for understanding the changes with the new framework