Welcome to Maths
If you have any questions regarding Maths at Longcause please contact:
Gail Miles
(Whole School Maths Lead)
The four main areas of the Maths National Curriculum are:
- Number
- Measurement
- Geometry
- Statistics
We have developed our own tailored coverage map (see below) which has a bigger weighting of our priority areas: Number, Calculations, Money and Time. We deliver this through the White Rose schemes of work ( which supports our pupils to develop key knowledge and skills within these areas through the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach with progression onto Reasoning and Problem Solving. Pupils are then able to apply this to real life experiences as well as other areas within the curriculum.
Children are given opportunities to progress within a Maths statement using concrete, pictorial and then abstract methods. Once they are confident with these steps, they move onto reasoning and problem solving. Problem solving is encouraged through real life experiences and is linked to all areas of the curriculum. These steps are recapped regularly and in daily routines to ensure that pupils are able to retain skills and knowledge into their long term memory. Throughout all stages, they are also encouraged to develop their Mathematical vocabulary.
Please see our Maths Intent Statement to show our key priorities in Maths and the Maths Coverage maps that show what strands are being taught and when (below).
Coverage Map 23/24
Coverage Map 24/25
Maths Intent Statement
Explorers Maths
Adventurers Maths
Pioneers Maths
Online Maths Games
Multiplication games:
Times Tables Rock Stars
Please ask your child's class teacher for login details specific to your child.