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Longcause Community Special School

Longcause Community Special School

Learning for Life

Governors' Message

A message from our Governors. 


We would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about ourselves, our roles and our aims.

Our Governing Body comprises of ten governors, all of whom bring different skills to Longcause; consisting of parent Governors,  Local Authority Governors, staff Governors (which includes our Head Teacher), co-opted Governors and associate Governors.

Governors are volunteers who give their time and commitment to what we hope, is a very rewarding role and experience.  Governors are also subject to an OFSTED inspection at the same time and in the same way as the school would be inspected. Governors are appointed by the Full Governing Committee, except for Parent Governors who are elected by Parents and Staff Governors who are elected by the Staff.

Our Aim:

To be an effective governing body in challenging and supporting the school so that weaknesses are tackled decisively and our statutory responsibilities are met.

We will endeavour to do this by:

  • Holding a full governors meeting.
  • Appointing or removing the clerk.
  • Electing a Chair and Vice Chair.
  • Advising all parents of any parent governor vacancies, all staff or staff governor vacancies and to appoint community governors.
  • Setting dates of meetings for the year ahead.
  • Noting term dates for the academic year and agree the occasional non pupil days.
  • Receiving Head Teacher reports.
  • Review the level of exclusions.
  • Monitor attendance of pupils/staff/governors.
  • Reviewing, adopting and monitoring our Freedom of Information Policy.
  • Monitoring Curriculum Plans.
  • If required, consider the suspension of a governor.
  • Inducting new governors.
  • Encouraging governors to visit school and to review, adopting and monitoring a governors’ visit policy and feedback procedure.
  • Reviewing, adopting and monitoring the procedures for dealing with complaints from parents/carers.
  • Reviewing, approving and monitoring the School Improvement Plan.
  • Annually elect governors for the following responsibilities:-


With regards to: English, Mathematics, Equality, SEN (Special Educational Needs), Looked After Children, Child Protection and Healthy & Safety, we will:

  • Ensure at least 3 governors are appointed and trained to complete the Head Teacher’s Performance Management.
  • Maintain and update annually a file of pecuniary interest declarations.
  • Review, adopt and monitor a governors’ expenses policy and curriculum policy.
  • Review annually the delegation of functions and committee structure.
  • Organise support and training for governors.

As you can see there is a great deal expected of all governing bodies, which is why it is important that responsibilities are shared.