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Longcause Community Special School

Longcause Community Special School

Learning for Life



Adventurers Leader: Amanda Hulme







Longcause Community Special School is for children aged 4-16. The vast majority  of pupils at Longcause school have Autism with their primary need being Communication and Interaction difficulties, which is closely followed by cognition and learning and/or social and emotional difficulties. This impacts how our pupils perceive the world and also their desire and ability to interact with others. It is this impact on our pupils' understanding that can lead to them being additionally vulnerable in a range of contexts and this therefore drives the priorities of curriculum. Our goal is to provide high quality education for children on the autism spectrum. We respect and celebrate people on the autism spectrum and are committed to enhancing their life, well-being, abilities and successes. As a result of this we believe that an outstanding school for children with an ASC needs to have strengths in the areas that are very difficult for someone with ASC and our curriculum priorities therefore reflect this.




What will our pupils experience throughout their curriculum at Longcause and why do we want this? 

‘Longcause Learning for Life’ is our key motto and therefore we aim to create a structured curriculum  where we are able to recognise and celebrate the uniqueness of all of our learners, provide a breadth of  experiences, fulfil their aspirations and where they will be prepared for their lives beyond school.  Children are learning all the time and it is our responsibility to optimise learning opportunities  throughout the entire school day.  


Pupils within our Adventurer Pathway will access  National Curriculum subject specific study. Building upon the priorities of the Explorers Pathway, a key aim of the Adventurers Pathway is to develop pupils’ social communication and life skills. Each pupil within our Adventurer Pathway is following a personalised pathway towards accreditation, where relevant. Pupils on this pathway will be able to access learning with shared support. 


We aim to teach in depth a broad curriculum to all pupils on this pathway, while understanding their complex needs. There is a strong emphasis on developing preparation for adulthood within a subject led curriculum. 




All pupils at Longcause School will access the curriculum at a level which is suitable for their age and  ability. No pupil is disapplied from the Foundation Stage or Longcause Curriculum documents,  Relationships, Sex and Health Eduaction or RE, except by parental wish where this complies with our  school policy. Further information on parental rights to withdraw pupils from aspects of the curriculum  can be found in the Relationships Education & Relationships and Sex Education Policy.  


British values are threaded through all of our curriculum key stages. The four areas of British Values are Democracy, Rules of the Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance. 

At Longcause School we want to support all pupils with SEND to develop the skills and attitudes to lead fulfilled lives. Our ethos is to support the children’s personal, social, emotional and communication development so that they feel safe and can begin their journey to readiness for learning.


We continue the dedication to providing a broad and balanced curriculum at levels  appropriate to the developmental understanding of our pupils. Our curriculum approach reflects our respect  for each pupil as an individual; aiming to develop knowledge, understanding, self-reliance and coping skills in  a supportive environment.


Adventurers curriculum diet 


Pupils on the adventurers pathway access early stages of  National Curriculum subject specific study at a level which is developmentally appropriate. Priorities are based on developing pupils' communication, life skills and ensuring that pupils are taught the skills to keep themselves safe. Their curriculum diet is therefore as follows: 


  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Computing
  • Online Safety
  • Longcause Learning for Life (LLfL)- RSHE and Life Skills
  • Physical Education
  • Art (3 terms per year)
  • Expressive Arts (3 terms per year)
  • Design Technology (3 terms per year)
  • Geography (3 terms per year)
  • History (3 terms per year)
  • MfL
  • RE
  • Catering (3 terms per year)
  • Positive Relationships
  • Weekly Virtual Visit


Please refer to specific subject intent statements for further information regarding how this is delivered for  specific curriculum subjects.  


Adventurers Preparation for adulthood


The Adventurers Preparation for Adulthood Pathway aims to prepare students for adulthood and their transition to Post 16. Pupils will aim for a range of academic accreditations. In order to create capacity for them to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award the curriculum diet is as follows: 



  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Computing
  • Online Safety
  • Longcause Learning for Life (LLfL)- RSHE and Life Skills
  • Physical Education
  • Art (3 terms per year)
  • Expressive Arts (3 terms per year)
  • Design Technology (3 terms per year)
  • Geography
  • History 
  • MfL
  • RE
  • Catering (3 terms per year)
  • Positive Relationships
  • Duke of Edinburgh


Please refer to specific subject intent statements for further information regarding how this is delivered for  specific curriculum subjects.  


As learners move into KS4, the main aim is to prepare them for life after school and into adulthood. Opportunities will be provided for pupils to participate in experiences of work through supported workplace visits, as opposed to unsupported work experience. 




What is our expected impact?  


Through our Adventurers Pathway we aim for all pupils to achieve the following by the end of their Longcause Education: 


  • To achieve at least a 'functional reading age' - 9 years 6 months
  • To ride a bike without stabilisers 
  • To swim 25 metres unaided


We would expect the children to also have gained confidence in the world around them and to achieve the following: 


  • Cook 5 key meals
  • To be travel trained
  • To know key rules for keeping their body safe
  • Know ways manage their mental health
  • Can wash, dry and iron clothes
  • Can use a mobile phone to make and receive a call
  • Engaged in a college visit
  • Stayed away from home overnight
  • Attended a school residential trip
  • Met up socially with a friend
  • Taken part in a school performance/ event
  • Visited a work placement
  • Attended an in-school club
  • Attended an out of school club


Accreditations would be offered as appropriate to the child’s levels and understanding, from a range of Functional Skills English and Maths, AQA Unit Award Science, Duke of Edinburgh, BTEC Home Cooking.