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Longcause Community Special School

Longcause Community Special School

Learning for Life

Longcause Careers Curriculum Intent Statement

What is the intention of our Longcause Careers Curriculum?


We want our pupils to experience a careers curriculum that establishes a growing knowledge and awareness of the world of work and what they, as young people, can aim for as they prepare for adulthood and Post 16 transition.  This includes delivering a breadth of opportunities and experiences that our pupils can start to build their own future pathways on.  As we aim to do this, we are also fully aware of the impact the inherent difficulties our pupils have due to the nature of their needs and diagnosis and look to how we can start to overcome these barriers, working alongside them.



What will our pupils experience throughout their careers curriculum at Longcause?

  • Access to careers learning from reception onwards - learning that is linked through their curriculum provision and also explicitly delivered sessions
  • A careers curriculum that has contributions and feedback from them, their families, school staff and external employers
  • Engagement with many different employers in a variety of formats such as assemblies, visits, talks, project work, careers events
  • Unbiased careers advice and support from a careers advisor
  • Working with them and their families as they  prepare for their future and  for life after Longcause
  • Staff who are committed to and passionate about helping them develop as they make key decisions and  prepare for their future pathways

Why do we want this?

  • We want our pupils to know their skills and strengths; know what they are good at and what they find hard
  • We want our pupils to work towards independent living and working
  • We want them to have hope and optimism, adaptability and resilience
  • We want our pupils to have access to, and engagement in, decent work in all its forms (personal, gift and paid)
  • We want our pupils to learn and make progress so they can thrive and experience success in their future pathways
  • We want our pupils to pursue and value their own wellbeing and happiness




How will we deliver this?

  • Pupils will have access to a developing skills based careers curriculum which will be routinely monitored and evaluated to ensure it is fit for purpose.
  • Pupils will meet and talk with previous students to find out about their experiences and aspirations
  • Close working relationship with our Enterprise Advisor to support mentoring pupils
  • Experiences of different work places and environments
  • Meaningful encounters with the world of work
  • Careers fairs and skills workshops




What is our expected impact?

  • Pupils will have a successful transition on from Year 11 into Post 16
  • Pupils will have had experience of a wide range of opportunities, interests and options so they are best placed to make informed decisions about their future choices
  • Pupils will develop the skills needed for them to be employable, whether that is voluntarily or paid
  • Pupils will know the value of having work and commitments in their lives
  • Pupils will know that they have a valued and important part to play in the world in which they live and they can and are motivated to contribute to society in a way which best suits their interests and skills
  • Pupils will know about and make use of the range of support and advice that is available to them in order to support their choices and decision making as the progress on from Longcause