Catering Curriculum Intent Statement
Subject lead: Chrissie Clark
What will our pupils experience throughout their catering curriculum at Longcause?
Pupils will firstly explore a range of different savoury foods and texture through a food tolerance based unit of planning. Pupils will then progress to learn where different (savoury) food comes from and how to prepare them individually. Our Explorers will focus more closely on the foods they are willing to eat and how to prepare these with the aim of becoming as independent as possible in the future. They will also find and experience different places you can eat and shop within our local community. Our Adventurers will experience additional food tolerance, food identification/healthy choices, preparation skills, cooking/recipe skills and food hygiene. Our KS4 pupils will be given the opportunity to access the BTEC level 1 and 2 home cooking skills. We are aiming that all our pupils will be able to cook 5 meals for themselves independently.
Why do we want this?
We want all our pupils to have the experience of a big range of foods and different types of food preparation to allow them to make healthy informed choices about the food they eat. We also want pupils to increase their independence during their time with us with the end goal of them being able to plan, shop and prepare for themselves.
- The whole school has catering sessions, using the purpose built catering room or adapted and accessible equipment which can be utilised in class.
- Explorers Primary have regular food tolerance sessions throughout every week throughout the whole year.
- Scheme A focuses on single skills, food tolerance and identification.
- Scheme B follows bespoke visual recipes building experience, skills and independence.
- Scheme C provides the skills for pupils follow the BTEC home cooking skills at Level 1 or 2 with the assessment focusing on independence creating a balanced meal. They will also have the opportunity to enter catering competitions, work experience and regular further education transition opportunities that link to catering.
- We track pupils point in scheme. Pupils continually progressing through the schemes throughout their time at Longcause.
- Food tolerance
- An understanding of where food comes from
- Knowledge of how to hygienically prepare a variety of foods
- How to plan, shop and create balanced meals or snacks
- Exploring opportunities in the catering industry
- How to use safely a variety of cooking equipment
- The ability to interpret and follow recipes to encourage further learning.